is a web application designed to help promote financial accessibility and literacy.
The web app provides various tools such as a Child Savings calculator, a Pensions calculator, and a Lifetime ISA calculator.
All of the tools also come with helpful information and tips to help users understand the calculations and make informed decisions. was created with EJS, ExpressJS and Tailwind CSS over a 24 hour period,
and came in first place for BlackRock's challenge at the Dundee University Computing Society's 2024 Quackathon.
Pirate Attack
Pirate Attack
is a Unity game developed in C# where you survive waves of enemy ships.
Treasure can be collected from defeated foes, and upgrades can be purchased from the merchant ship between waves in order to boost your chances of survival.
The game is currently in development, with a backlog of features and improvements still to be made.
Some planned features include consumable items, alt-fire abilities, updates to the enemy spawning system, and new enemy types, including bosses.
Rubik's Solver
Rubik's Solver
is a program developed in Java designed to help a user solve a Rubik's cube.
Using Rubik's Cube notation,
the program allows the user to input the state of their cube, and then provides a step-by-step solution to solve the cube.
This project is still in development, and will be improved over time.
Planned additions include a graphical user interface, allowing a user to input the cube state by clicking on the faces of a cube,
and various improvements to the solving algorithm to make it more efficient.